Some of the best things in life age with time – it shows they can stand the test of time. This rings true for Danish eyewear brand LINDBERG.

Founded in 1984 by Henrik Lindberg, the brand has cultivated itself on classic designs which continuously creates designs which, as we said, stand the test of time.

It was clear LINDBERG was going to be a success from the get-go as within one year of the label’s first pair of frames in 1986 – the AIR titanium frame – it received the royal seal of approval from Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik of Denmark.

We started to become sought after and expanded our presence internationally,” Nikolaj Schnoor, the brand’s global CCO, tells Emirates Woman. “Soon later, we were granted the exclusive designation, ‘by appointment to the Royal Danish Court’ – a significant honour from the Danish monarchy.”

Throughout the years, the brand built on 16 collections, all comprising of the original design and technical values as the very first AIR titanium glasses. We chatted to Schnoor about what goes into each piece of eyewear that is made, the brand’s focus on sustainability, the brand’s celebrity fans, his thoughts on fast fashion and more.


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 What goes into each collection and piece of eyewear that is made?

Every single LINDBERG frame is individually crafted, hand-finished and customised to the wearers’ particular preferences. Beautiful design, technical innovation, customisation and craftsmanship are absolute in each piece of LINDBERG eyewear.

All of our collections, except for LINDBERG precious all comprise of titanium. Because of our experience and unique treatment of titanium, we can bend and work with the material within very minimal tolerances. Our designs have changed the fundamentals of modern eyewear and have set entirely new standards for style, comfort and durability.

What is the company’s approach to sustainability?

We only use responsibly sourced materials and don’t believe in mass-production. Our ‘made by, designed by’ approach is vital for sustainable control and to uphold our DNA to produce high-quality products. We must do it exceptionally well, and the only way to guarantee the best results is by doing it ourselves. We have precise quantity and quality control in every process and action. We take pride in designing and manufacturing everything in-house with our exceptional team of creative minds consisting of designers, engineers and toolmakers.

In line with sustainability, what is LINDBERG’s approach to following trends?

LINDBERG avoids following trends; instead, we like to keep our eyewear iconic and timeless. Our styles pay tribute to reoccurring trend patterns, starting from the ’20s to the present. We also take creative motivation from architecture, interiors and art pieces. The LINDBERG style embraces functionalism, technical innovation and high-quality materials. We also give the wearer a say, where they have the option to have their eyewear customised to represent their style and ideal fit.

How do you make sure the brand stands out from competitors?

Design and product innovation always comes first. Henrik Lindberg never had the dream to be the biggest eyewear designer and manufacturer, but instead strives to design and create the most outstanding eyewear. LINDBERG is the embodiment of Danish Design. The brand has taken on the tradition of minimalism that celebrates timeless style, natural materials and keeping things comfortably streamlined – removing all unnecessary elements to eyewear, including all screws, rivets and welded parts.

Another part of what makes LINDBERG unique is our modular system that allows wearers to customise elements of their eyewear, including lens shapes, material colours, textures, temple and nose pad styles and sizes. We are the only luxury brand that offers tailormade eyewear to allow wearers to have the ultimate fit and a one-of-a-kind look. While the eyewear industry model is generally based on a customer choosing an available model in-store, the LINDBERG concept is based on customisation allowing every wearer to create a truly individual statement. Every pair of LINDBERG glasses are engraved with a unique identity number, and the customer’s name can even be engraved on the inner side of the temple, for the ultimate personal touch.


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What is the brand’s ethos?

LINDBERG has a 360-degree ‘made by, design by’ approach. I touched on this earlier that every element and process of LINDBERG design and manufacturing is done in-house. We take pride in being a design brand, not only in eyewear. Everything in our design and communication materials from digital and print media, supporting product materials to in-store visual merchandising and even interiors to our exclusive optical partners is designed by, made by LINDBERG. Every single LINDBERG frame is individually crafted, hand-finished and meticulously inspected before we let it leave our doors – not to a distributor but directly to your optician. Good design is not only about the aesthetic and technological properties of our eyewear, but it is also about efficiency and innovation behind the scenes.

LINDBERG has many celebrity fans – what are some of the most notable figures that have been seen wearing pieces by the brand?

Other than the Royals and politicians from around the world and several world-famous fashion designers who even have their own eyewear lines, some celebrity fans include Brad Pitt, Chris Hemsworth, Sophie Turner, Selena Gomez, Meryl Streep and Robert De Niro.

The brand celebrated its 35th anniversary, which is an incredible milestone, why do you believe it has lasted the test of time?

Most fundamentally, design is about making things better. For us, design is a way of life: LINDBERG obsesses over-improving products and thriving as a company. Staying faithful to the brand DNA and the pure desire to consistently push the limits of the technology and high-quality materials has proven that LINDBERG is original when creating unique designs.


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What are your thoughts, and the brand’s thoughts, on the fast fashion movement? While many are going against it towards a more sustainable standpoint, there are still many brands that continue to feed into fast fashion.

I stand by the intention of only possessing long-lasting and iconic pieces as opposed to fast-fashion, which is hugely wasteful. Although affordable, it’s not a great deal because the item’s life span doesn’t last – it will most likely fall apart and go out of style. Mass-production has declined quality, which means the products are cheap and easily disposable. Fast-fashion is very reckless for the world, yet consumers purchase these products as they are quick trends and inexpensive.

Unfortunately, many people don’t consider the poor working conditions and environmental impacts that go behind fast-fashion. Instead, consumers should buy less and adopt timeless pieces that are worthwhile and made with meticulous care. A sustainable product doesn’t mean the purchase has to be from a luxury brand; there are many stylish options outside of fast-fashion that are affordable and ethical. Style is all about personal expression – you don’t need to follow trends, instead invest in long term pieces and curate your own style.

How does LINDBERG’s clientele differ in the UAE? What makes this region a different market than others across the globe?

The UAE is a luxury playground where there are wealthy living standards. Similar to Asia, the market has the same thirst for the notorious luxury label brands which can be flashed as symbols of social status and opulence. However, we find that more and more consumers have a real taste for high-quality products that are unique in design and fine details, a trait that epitomises LINDBERG’s exemplar lifestyle ideals.

Set as long-term pieces that are perceived as timeless collectables, our LINDBERG buffalo titanium collection and the exclusive LINDBERG precious, our most premium collection are favoured in the UAE due to the appreciation for luxury.

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