Founder and CEO of AHS Properties and Board Member at DAMAC, Abbas Sajwani, sets new benchmarks in shaping the real estate market in the region.

Armed with a forward-thinking vision and lessons learned, the Emirati entrepreneur propels innovation and luxury to offer an unparalleled living experience for the next generation.

Tell us about your approach to leadership. How do you approach it and ensure these values filter down through the company?

Leadership isn’t just a title, it’s a mindset and a way of life. My understanding of leadership began at a young age, working alongside my father Hussain Sajwani and observing his meticulous approach to managing every detail. This early exposure taught me the importance of involvement and attention to detail. In my daily routine, I stay actively engaged with my team, overseeing processes, and following up on tasks. I believe in open communication and often brainstorm ideas with my team, valuing their input and opinions. By encouraging everyone to leverage their strengths and perform at their best, we can achieve remarkable results. Mistakes are a part of the learning process, and I emphasise the importance of learning from them and making the right choices moving forward.

Abbas Sajwani, Founder and CEO of AHS Properties

Innovation and luxury are signatures of AHS Properties. How did you define this – was this your vision from the outset?

Luxury is not for everyone; it’s a distinct niche in real estate that represents a lifestyle. From the outset, my vision for AHS Properties was rooted in a passion for luxury properties. For me, luxury is more than just buying a property; it’s about creating an exceptional living experience. Before starting AHS Properties, I have always been intrigued about the ideal locations, as the site is the cornerstone of any luxury project. The exterior and interior design, amenities, and features – every detail matters in a luxury property. We aim to create a life experience, not just a property. Whenever we start a new project at AHS, I put myself in the client’s shoes to understand their needs and dreams for their home. A home should be for a lifetime, and thus, luxury must embody a unique lifestyle.


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Have you seen investor mindset change in the luxury real estate space since you founded AHS Properties in 2021?

Absolutely. Initially, clients were often focused on larger spaces, especially end users. However, the mindset has changed. Now, clients prioritise having everything they need within their units to minimise the need to go out. This includes amenities like indoor and outdoor pools, spas, cinema rooms, offices, and more expansive living spaces. At AHS Properties, we have adapted to these changes by offering customisation options for our clients. This allows them to redesign their units based on their specific needs and preferences. We anticipate client needs to continue evolving, and we are committed to providing the flexibility and features that cater to these emerging demands.

What is the biggest risk you’ve ever taken, and did it pay off?

Risk is essential in business. Without risk, growth and expansion are limited. Personally, I thrive on taking calculated risks to achieve my goals. The launch of AHS Properties during the peak of the pandemic was undoubtedly a major risk. Many cautioned against it, citing economic uncertainty and global challenges. However, I believed in the opportunity, observing how Dubai managed the crisis and its resilient economy attracting wealthy individuals seeking stability. Recognising this trend, I decided to proceed despite the prevailing uncertainties. Thanks to strategic planning and a deep understanding of the market dynamics, AHS Properties has flourished. We’ve capitalised on the unique circumstances presented by the pandemic and Dubai’s appeal, successfully establishing ourselves in the market.

Have you had any mentors on your journey? And if so, what knowledge did they impart?

My father, Hussain Sajwani, has been my ultimate mentor and role model. From a young age, he guided me through the intricacies of business and instilled in me the importance of leadership and team management. His support was pivotal when I embarked on launching AHS Group and AHS Properties. His encouragement and belief in the niche I chose for AHS Properties were instrumental in my decision-making process. I am immensely grateful for his guidance and proud to be his son.

Abbas Sajwani, Founder and CEO of AHS Properties

What do you know now that you wish you had known at the start of your career?

Looking back, I realise the importance of the learning journey and the growth that comes from experiencing challenges first-hand. While it’s natural to wish for foresight, I believe that discovering insights along the way has been fundamental to my development as an entrepreneur. Mistakes, innovations, and the process of creating and managing businesses have shaped my understanding and approach. Embracing this continuous learning cycle has been essential to my journey, and I now appreciate the value of every step taken.

“By channeling negative thoughts into proactive problem-solving and maintaining confidence in our capabilities, we turn adversity into opportunities for growth and success”

During challenging times, how do you put negative thoughts and emotions to good use?

In challenging moments, I maintain a positive outlook by reminding myself that difficulties are temporary and can lead to positive outcomes. Reflecting on past challenges and how we overcame them reinforces this belief. I prioritise open communication with my team, fostering discussions to explore and implement effective solutions. Believing in our mission and being surrounded by talented individuals ensures that we navigate challenges smoothly and emerge stronger. By channeling negative thoughts into proactive problem-solving and maintaining confidence in our capabilities, we turn adversity into opportunities for growth and success.

What’s on the horizon for your business and yourself?

At AHS Properties, our vision remains on delivering exceptional ultra-luxury living experiences in prime locations. We are committed to elevating the standards of luxury real estate by not only meeting but exceeding our clients’ expectations. Looking ahead, we aim to expand our portfolio with innovative projects that redefine luxury living. Our focus will be on incorporating unique amenities and thoughtful design elements that resonate with discerning buyers. Personally, I aspire to further refine my skills and insights to effectively steer AHS Properties toward continued success and excellence. Together with my team, we are poised to embrace new opportunities and challenges, staying true to our commitment to exceptional quality and client satisfaction.

How do you make time for yourself after a long day?

Balancing work and personal life is essential for me. While my days are primarily focused on business, I prioritise quality time during meals with my family and friends. These moments allow me to unwind and connect with loved ones, which I truly enjoy. When it comes to longer breaks, such as family trips, I remain connected to work but in a more limited capacity. This allows me to prioritise and delegate tasks while still being available if needed. This balance enables me to re-charge and enjoy meaningful time with my family while ensuring business operations continue smoothly. Finding these moments of relaxation and connection amidst a busy schedule is vital for maintaining well-being and sustaining productivity in both personal and professional aspects of life.

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Photography: Mark Mathew