We discuss restorative sleep to achieve optimal rest with Founder and CEO of The Sleep Chapter, Mansi Khandelwal.

What do the first 30 minutes of your day look like, your morning routine?

My morning routine is an anchor of my day. I’m up at 5:30am, a consistent time that helps regulate my body clock. I start my day with a glass of room-temperature water to kickstart my metabolism and rehydrate after sleep. These quiet moments in the morning are when I express gratitude for the gift of a new day and set clear intentions. This practice sets the tone for a positive and purposeful day. I treasure the first 30 minutes to myself, which is especially crucial as a mother of two. After that, I spend time with my kids, sharing breakfast and creating cherished moments before they head to school.

Can you expand on the aim of The Sleep Chapter?

The Sleep Chapter is all about rekindling the magic of restorative sleep all while capturing the feeling of deep comfort and relaxation. We initiated this journey during the challenging times of the pandemic when we saw many people struggling with sleep and anxiety. Our response was to delve into the science of snoozing and create a product that could genuinely help – our weighted blankets. But it wasn’t a hasty decision. We dedicated over a year and a half to perfecting these blankets. We aimed for a product that not only delivered results but also cared for the environment. Our commitment to sustainability led us to use organic fabrics and strive for ecofriendliness. So, when you wrap yourself in one of our weighted blankets, it’s not just about sleep; it’s about finding natural peace and comfort, like a cozy chapter in your life’s story. Craftsmanship and sustainability are the brand’s core values – was this the vision from the outset? Yes, it was. As you rightly mentioned, at The Sleep Chapter, our brand revolves around three core values: craftsmanship, sustainability, and unparalleled comfort. However, achieving the perfect balance between these three pillars was no small feat. From the onset, we were committed to ensuring the wellbeing of our customers and the planet. After dedicating 1.5 years of hard work, we believe we’ve successfully achieved this harmony. We take immense pride in the fact that The Sleep Chapter’s manufacturing plant operates at a remarkable 90% automation level, ensuring precision and efficiency in every product we create. From manufacturing to packaging, we’ve not only aimed for zero waste but also being plastic-free. Furthermore, our commitment to sustainability is evident in the fact that we recycle an impressive 70% of our water, demonstrating our dedication to minimizing our environmental footprint.


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Can you tell us about you latest weighted blankets and how they support achieving restorative rest?

Our new collection of hand-knitted weighted blankets has a special story behind it. It’s a tribute to women’s empowerment. When the pandemic brought economic uncertainty and job loss, we found a group of women with remarkable weaving skills who were determined to support their families. Starting with just a few women, we witnessed this skill being generously passed down to others. Today, our community has grown to include 30 talented women who hand-knit our weighted blankets with care and love. Each blanket is a masterpiece, and what makes it even more special is the unique four-digit code that allows you to trace its entire journey, connecting you with the artisan who brought it to life. It’s an incredible way to appreciate the passion and expertise that goes into every piece.

What are the benefits of a weighted blanket?

The secret behind the magic of weighted blankets lies in the concept of “Deep Pressure Therapy”. It’s like a gentle, even pressure hugging your body, mimicking the comfort of a warm embrace. Similar to swaddling a baby in order to lull them into deep sleep. These blankets are known to significantly reduce cortisol levels during nighttime sleep, effectively addressing sleep dysfunction, pain, and stress. Lower cortisol levels translate to an overall improvement in physical and mental comfort, making a weighted blanket a gamechanger for sleep quality. The benefits are multi-fold: Stress Reduction: Consistent, gentle pressure helps calm your nervous system, reducing stress and anxiety, and creating a sense of security and comfort. Relaxation: Deep pressure stimulates the production of serotonin and melatonin, the feel-good hormones that regulate your sleep-wake cycle. This encourages relaxation and faster sleep onset. Improved Sleep Quality: Many users experience deeper, more restful sleep with fewer nighttime awakenings, leading to longer, uninterrupted slumber. Less Tossing and Turning: The added weight helps keep you in place, reducing restlessness and promoting a stable and comfortable sleep position. Enhanced Focus: Improved sleep quality boosts daytime focus and productivity. Waking up refreshed enables you to tackle daily tasks with clarity and energy. Stress Relief: Beyond sleep, a weighted blanket can serve as a valuable tool for managing stress and promoting relaxation, even during wakeful moments. It’s like having a trusty stress-relief companion.

What else is essential for a good night’s sleep?

A good night’s sleep hinges on various key elements: A Consistent Sleep Schedule: Going to bed and waking up at the same time daily helps regulate your body’s internal clock. A Comfortable Sleep Environment: A cozy mattress and pillows along with a cool, dark, and quiet room, create the ideal sleep setting. Relaxation: Engaging in calming activities before bedtime, such as reading, meditation, or a warm bath, prepares your body for sleep. Limiting Stimulants: Avoiding caffeine, nicotine, and heavy meals close to bedtime prevents sleep disruptions. Digital Detox: Reducing screen exposure before bed is crucial as the blue light emitted can interfere with your sleep-wake cycle. Physical Activity: Regular exercise can promote better sleep but avoid vigorous workouts close to bedtime. Manage Stress: Stress and anxiety can disrupt sleep. Practising relaxation techniques or stress management can be helpful. Diet: A light, healthy snack before bed can be beneficial, but steer clear of heavy or spicy foods that may cause discomfort. Limiting Alcohol: While alcohol may help you fall asleep, it can disrupt sleep quality, so consume it in moderation. Sunlight Exposure: Natural light exposure during the day helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle. Limiting Naps: Long or late-day naps can interfere with nighttime sleep, sokeep them short and early. Bedtime Routine: A consistent pre-sleep routine signals your body that it’s time to wind down. Avoid Clock-Watching: Constantly checking the clock can increase stress and make it harder to fall asleep. Sleep-Enhancing Tools: Techniques like weighted blankets, white noise machines, or sleep masks can assist in creating a conducive sleep environment.


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What does your evening routine consist of?

My pre-bedtime routine is a carefully designed sequence of activities that helps me unwind and prepare my body and mind for a peaceful night’s sleep. It’s a blend of relaxation, self-care, and creating the perfect sleep environment. I start by disconnecting from screens at least an hour before bedtime, making sure there are no phones, tablets, or computers around. A warm and soothing bath is my go-to relaxation ritual. I find journaling to be an enriching practice that allows me to reflect on the day’s activities and process my thoughts and feelings before settling in for the night. My husband and I share about 30-40 minutes of reading together, which relaxes us and sets the stage for a restful night’s sleep. Lastly, I do a final check to ensure everything is in order and all doors are locked, so my mind can be at ease, allowing me to drift into a serene slumber.

This is The Refinement Issue – how have you refined your life/what is refinement to you?

Refinement, to me, is an ongoing process of self-improvement. It’s about learning new things, enhancing my skills, and becoming a kinder person to others. Life offers numerous opportunities for improvement, and that’s what refinement means to me – making those little things better and continuously striving to become a better version of myself each day.

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