It’s been a very fashionable week here in Dubai (as per). Now it’s cool enough to head outside, the style game is heating up.

If you think your outfit demands attention on our site, then take a photo, share it on Instagram, tag us in (@emirateswoman) and use the hashtag #dubaistreetstyle.

You need to see this picture of Huda Kattan when she was 17
This designer has come up with an abaya to tackle a common health issue…

That’s it! It’s that simple. Now, inspire us with your looks…

Tough cookie

Docs and a mini is a forever look, always cool and always adding that little bit of edge to your look. Plus, we’ll always love a leather jacket.

Give it a whirl

Sharing a colour scheme, but with a completely different vibe, is this elegant and floaty look. Pretty.

Go bold 

Other half❤️💙 #soledxb

A post shared by T A Y A S H A L A B Y (@thestylepharaoh) on

We didn’t start the day knowing we’d need an emerald green sequined tracksuit, but life does tend to come at you fast. What a cool pair.

On Wednesdays…

And here’s another. You know these two coordinated before they left the house.

Say it loud 

A post shared by Laura Comolli (@lauracomolli) on

This kicky little skirt is the perfect accompaniment to a statement tee. A spot of Chanel doesn’t hurt either.

Shades of grey

Excuse us while we take a screenshot. This is the perfect midweek work outfit that’s comfy but still pulled together.

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Images: Instagram