Need motivation to get in shape? Fear not, every Sunday we give you a workout to follow at least three times a week. This week personal trainer Jon Ashwood from Smart Fitness gives us a TRX HIIT session. #EWGetsFit

PLYO squat (20 reps)

Tips: Feet a little wider then hip width apart, then jump as high as you can, loading your body in the squat position

Ice skater  (20 reps: 10 each leg)

Tips: Hop from one leg to the other

Overhead extension (20 reps)

Tips: Let your arms fall back, hinge from your hips and drive your hips up and in one motion pull your hands directly over your head. Drop into the position and repeat

Single leg burpee (20 reps: 10 each leg)

Mountain climber

Tips: Do this as quickly as you can


Repeat these steps three times


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Video: Farooq Salik

Video Editing: Surajit Dutta