“Ending hunger would help solve so many of the world’s most pressing problems…”

October 16 is World Food Day, and you won’t be surprised to hear that Princess Haya is drawing our attention to the crucial cause of ending world hunger.

Put together by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation, the day serves as a reminder of the need to act for those who suffer from food insecurity worldwide. They have the goal of eliminating world hunger by 2030, and according to the UN site, 72 of the 129 countries monitored by the FAO have already halved their hunger rates.

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Food is a basic human right, and as Princess Haya points out on Instagram, dealing with the issue of hunger comes with any number of positive knock-on effects.

Her Royal Highness Princess Haya bint Al Hussein

“We need to remember that ending hunger would help solve so many of the world’s most pressing problems — forced economic migration by the poor, diseases and stunting among children, deaths among pregnant women,” she wrote.

“There are so many agencies that do wonderful work,” her post continued, as she suggested the Red Crescent, the Red Cross, and the World Food Programme. That last organisation is one Princess Haya has worked with before – she’s even wearing their vest in the photo she shared.

“Please find a way to get involved with these organisations to help the poor and hungry people they serve.”

في يوم الأغذية العالمي، يجب علينا أن لا ننسى أنّ القضاء على الجوع كهدف إنسانيّ أساسيّ له بالغ اﻷثر في حلّ كثير من المشكلات التي يعاني منها البشر في شتّى أنحاء المعمورة… منها الهجرة الاقتصادية القسرية للجوعى، ومنها اﻷمراض والعيوب الخلقية لدى اﻷطفال مثل التقزّم… وأخطرها حالات الوفيات بين النساء الحوامل. نحن نستطيع مدّ يد العون… ونستطيع الوصول إلى الجوعى من خلال منظمات الهلال اﻷحمر والصليب اﻷحمر والجمعيات االخيرية مثل تكية أم علي على الصعيد المحلي، بالإضافة إلى برنامج اﻷغذية العالمي ومنظمة اﻷغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة ومنظمة أطباء بلا حدود والعديد من الجهات العالمية التي لا تألو جهداً في تقديم يد العون لمن هم في أمسّ الحاجة للمساعدة. فلننفض عن قلوبنا غبار صخب الحياة… ولنبحث عن طريقة ﻹيصال ما تجود به أنفسنا لهذه المنظمات اﻹنسانية التي تأخذ على عاتقها مساعدة الجوعى والفقراء Today, on World Food Day, we need to remember that ending hunger would help solve so many of the world’s most pressing problems — forced economic migration by the poor, diseases and stunting among children, deaths among pregnant women. You can reach out to the hungry through the Red Crescent, Red Cross, and charity organisations such as Tkiyet Um Ali on the local level, as well as the World Food Programme, FAO, and MSF — there are so many agencies that do wonderful work. Please find a way to get involved with these organisations to help the poor and hungry people they serve. #worldfoodday #ZeroHunger

A post shared by Haya Bint Al Hussein (@hrhprincesshaya) on

This latest comes in a long line of charitable moves by the princess. In 2016, she even flew personally to deliver aid to victims of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti, and earlier this year she donated Dhs145 million to fight hunger in her native Jordan.

Remember, 2017 is the Year of Giving in the UAE. We can’t think of a better cause to get behind, and this one is royal-approved.

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Images: Princess Haya/Instagram