
Some of these global wedding statistics might surprise you…

20mins The length of the shortest ever Hollywood marriage, between Rudolph Valentino and Jean Acker in 1919

102 The oldest bride ever recorded. Minnie Munro, 102, married Dudley Reid, 83, in Australia.

79 The largest number of bridesmaids (aged one to 79) to attend a single bride, who was Christa Rasanayagam. She married Suresh Joachim Arulanantham in Ontario, Canada, on September 6, 2003. The largest number of ushers is 47.

100,000 The average number of Las Vegas weddings every year.

1477 The first year a man offered his intended bride a diamond to seal their engagement. Archduke Maximilian of Austria proposed to Mary of Burgundy with a ring set with thin, flat pieces of diamonds in the shape of a M.

67 years The longest ever engagement. Octavio Guillen and Adriana Martinez were engaged in Mexico in 1902 but kept putting the wedding off, over and over again.

3,256 yards The longest ever train for a wedding dress, created in March 2012 by Romanian fashion house Andree Salon.

86 years The longest ever marriage, between Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher from North Carolina, USA.

43,008 The most crystals ever used on a wedding dress, designed by Cosmina Englizian and unveiled at an event organised by E-Mariage in Romania.

1,000 The number of weddings at which one man was the  ‘best man’.

1,500 The number of flowers used to make the largest wedding bouquet, which measured over 197ft long and was filled with roses and carnations.

Dhs 11.6 million The amount Elton John once charged to sing at a wedding.