If you want to move to UAE without being tied to an employer, the UAE Green visa is tailor-made for you.

UAE’s Green visa allows its holder to sponsor themselves for 5 years without the requirement of a UAE national or employer to do the same.

As per Abu Dhabi Residents Office (ADRO), the vision behind this new visa is to make the job market more felxible and invite extraordinary talent from across the globe to UAE. It comes with  not just a long-term residency solution but also serves more benefits to the families of the visa holder, as opposed to those with a standard residence visa.


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Who is eligible for this visa?

Freelancers, self-employed and skilled employees can apply for a Green visa.

Benefits of the Green Visa

Removes  the need for employment to reside in the UAE.

Allows sponsorship for sons up to the age of 25 and unmarried daughters of any age.

The Green Visa also offers an extended grace period of six months after the 5-year validity is over.

Application criterias for freelancers and/or self-employed people

Freelancers and/or self-employed need to submit a freelance/self-employment permit from Ministry of Human Resources.

Emiratisation proof of a bachelor’s degree or a specialised diploma.

Evidence of annual income from self-employment for the previous two years amounting to not less than AED 360,000, or proof of financial solvency throughout their stay in the UAE.

Application criterias for Skilled employees

Must have a valid employment contract.

Should be classified in the first, second or third occupational level as per Ministry of Human Resources.

Hold a minimum of bachelor’s degree or equivalent.

Have a salary of not less than AED 15,000 per month.

Application criteria for investors

Approval from the ICP on the investment as per the investors’ rating system.

Investment proof, if the investor/partner has more than one licence, the total invested capital will be calculated accordingly.

Approval from competent local authorities.

Green Visa process and cost

Visit www.gdrfad.gov.ae or download the GDRFA-Dubai application.

Create a new user account.

Select the required service – Issuance of entry permit for green residence under Entry Permissions

Click on the relevant subcategory: Skilled worker, investor, partner or freelance work

Attach the required documents

Pay the fees due for the service (Dhs2,280)

Submit the request

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