With daily stress factors on the horizon, expedited ageing has become a common issue and some healthcare experts are here to solve it.

Designed to turn back the clock from the inside out, the Kusnacht Practice has developed a groundbreaking programme, BIO-R® to address our 21st-century health problems.

With a double-edged cure for both the body and brain, this new-age technology targets an individual’s unique biochemistry to bring it to equilibrium.

Through the programme customers can recalibrate their bodies through natural lifestyle changes and a bespoke treatment that specifically caters to their needs. After an in-depth lab test, results verify the individual’s exact biological age and status.

The Kusnacht Practice

Post-consultation customers are prescribed a personalised BIO-R® micronutrient supplementation and a series of dedicated lifestyle changes that switch on the reverse aging phenomena. From cryotherapy to intermittent fasting, these programmes can cure the root cause from within.

Dr. Antoinette Sarasin Gianduzzo, Director of the Department Biomolecular Restoration (BIO-R®) said, “As the pioneers of Biomolecular Restoration (BIO-R®), The Kusnacht Practice has developed a highly effective method to detect and correct biochemical imbalances and metabolic stress factors that lead to physical and psychological impairments.

“It is a unique medical treatment that detects the underlying causes and true roots of physical and emotional discomfort as well as ageing processes and treats them.”

Dr. Antoinette Sarasin

A plethora of wellbeing areas can be addressed with a team of dedicated dermatologists, sleep experts, personal trainers, nutritionists, coaches, doctors and gynecologists, and overall experts. Whether exhaustion or insomnia, any human health batteries, can be recharged with this science-backed treatment.

Other underlying health issues pushed to the sideline can also be improved with this biomedical rejuvenation cure, ensuring both physical and emotional well-being.

Set in the heart of Switzerland, the highly modern treatment centre offers unequalled medical expertise on the shores of Lake Zurich.

To know more about the practice visit kusnachtpractice.com 

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Images: Supplied & Feature image: Pexels @pavel-danilyuk