What started out as a small shop in Venice, California in 2011, has grown to be a global sensation. Moon Juice has become the go-to for healing from the inside out.

The brand’s founder, Amanda Chantal Bacon, tells Emirates Woman what sets Moon Juice apart in the wellness space.

Talk us through your career.

I travelled for years after high school, working across Europe, South America, and New Zealand. I came back to the States to go to culinary school in Vermont, then moved to LA to work for Suzanne Goin at Lucques. Then I worked with the LA Times as a food and wine editor and journalist. Before opening Moon Juice, I was food styling, writing, catering, and cooking in restaurants.

Moon Juice supplements

What inspired you to enter the wellness space and launch Moon Juice?

Moon Juice was born from my experience of being diagnosed with an autoimmune condition and putting it into remission with diet, lifestyle, and herbs. I sought out experts and educated myself on a diet, lifestyle, spirit, and traditional wisdom. I saw radical changes in my blood and hormone panels. On paper, I started to read biologically younger than I had a decade prior. It all came down to relying on easy and natural ways to manage stress on a daily basis. Moon Juice started as a tiny shop in Venice, California, with cold-pressed juices, smoothies, and raw foods that all incorporated adaptogens and herbs. Now we’ve grown to be a global source for supplements and skin care – it’s been over a decade!

Where did the name Moon Juice come from?

I was up in San Francisco and it was one of those things where you’re just relaxing, not thinking about it. A truck came down from the beach and drove under the fog. It had this beautiful mural of a crazy hippie bus with the moon in the night sky. That’s when it came to me!

When it comes to the brand, what is your approach to wellness?

Small daily habits lead to profound shifts. The best practices are the ones you’ll actually do!

You’re celebrating your 11-year anniversary for Moon Juice this year. How have things evolved since the brand launched?

We’ve grown so much over the years, from opening more shops to selling in Sephora to launching new products. One of the most profound and meaningful things has been the expansion of our community to a global scale. Our community is truly what keeps us going and feeling inspired – their commitment to health and boundless curiosity is incredible!

Moon Juice Founder

What sets Moon Juice apart from other wellness brands?

The source, dose, and form of our supplements. It’s a huge focus for us. Our in- gredients are traceable, potently dosed, and bioactive and bioavailable, which simply means your body can absorb and put them to use – rather than peeing them out.

Over the years, what have been the hurdles you’ve experienced when building the brand?

When we launched, we were certainly ahead of the trend – the wellness industry didn’t exist, and we were talking about health in ways that weren’t totally mainstream. Now, most people care about health and understand the importance of an inside-out approach. To this day, education remains our passion and a hurdle.

And the milestones?

Celebrating our 10-year birthday, putting out a second book, and starting international distribution all at once this year felt very significant.

Moon Juice has become loved by people the globe over. What has your entry into the Middle Eastern market been like?

It’s been amazing to bring our products into a new market and be welcomed with open arms and excitement. I love to see people incorporating these daily habits into their routines. It’s surreal and a dream to be able to extend our community to the UAE, I can’t wait to be able to come and meet you in person!

What does the future hold for Moon Juice?

More education, more ways for the world to access us, and more life-changing formulas.

This is The Summer Escape Issue – where do you want to escape to this summer?

I don’t have an escape planned this summer, so I appreciate being able to give a fantasy answer! I’d love to be with my family on a boat in the Mediterranean, swimming, visiting islands for lunch, and eating fresh fruits. Heaven. One day!

July/August’s – ‘The Summer Escape Issue’ – Download Now

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