Lawrence Abu Hamdan acoustic installation will mesmerise you.

Lebanese artist Lawrence Abu Hamdan is one of the four finalists for the 2019 Turner Prize with his thought-provoking sound installation.

With an aim to use art as a truth-telling mechanism, his project is based on interviews with former detainees at a high-security prison in Syria.

“Self-proclaimed ‘private ear’, Abu Hamdan’s work investigates crimes that have been heard and not seen; exploring the processes of reconstruction, the complexity of memory and language as well as the urgency of human rights and advocacy,” reads a statement from Tate.


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The artist recorded six survivors of Saydnaya who “recall their audio memories, to map the unknown architecture of the prison and to understand what happened there.” An Eyal Weizman alumni, Abu Hamdan has also worked with Amnesty International and given evidence as an expert witness for a UK asylum tribunal.

One of the best known prizes for the visual arts in the world, the Turner Prize aims to promote public debate around new developments in contemporary British art.  The finalists will take part in the Turner Prize exhibition which will run September 28 through January 12, 2020.

The winner will be announced on December 3.

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