
Find out what destiny holds for you for the rest of the month.

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Love diva Venus moves into your sign on the 5th. Apart from attracting more love into your life, this is an excellent time for some serious retail therapy. Your taste is spot-on and this will give you a boost of self confidence.

This month’s memo: Trust your sense of style.

Birthday wish: A brand new wardrobe


LIBRA (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Your mind is working overtime for almost all of this month. As an air sign, this is something that you enjoy though, so be on the lookout for opportunities for mental stimulation. Love also becomes a priority, but only from the 29th onwards.

This month’s memo: Put on your thinking cap.


SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

You start off this month on an energy high, which is reason enough to get things done whilst the going is good. Allow yourself to slacken the pace after the 13th, but survey all the things you have achieved and give yourself a good pat on the back.

This month’s memo: Enjoy the fruits of your labour.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

With both Mars and Venus hitting the angles in your horoscope this month, you’ll have a good time figuring out whether you’re from Venus or from Mars. The trick lies in knowing when to be pushy and assertive and when to be charming and gracious.

This month’s memo: Go where the mood takes you.


CAPRICORN  (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Quietly, but deep within yourself, you’ll know around the 22nd which way it is that you would like to go in one area of your life. Luckily, you have patience, so work towards your goal and don’t rush towards it. Be on the lookout for new work opportunities.

This month’s memo:Be your own authentic self.


AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

The first two weeks might be a slog at work, either because you have too much to do or because you’re catching up on unfinished projects. As from the 13th though, you’re more          inclined to spend time with your friends, especially in doing something competitive.

This month’s memo: Rise to     the occasion.


PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Beware of your inclination to fall in love with love, as you could be quite smitten around the 10th. Love looks good for almost all of the month, provided you see the real person and not the fantasy. As from the 13th, you have a new competitor at work.

This month’s memo: Stand your own ground.


ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

After the 13th, you ought to feel more inspired about your future. If time and money permits, it’s a great time to travel abroad in order to widen your horizons, but don’t get duped by unscrupulous people. A love matter looks promising at the month end.

This month’s memo: Look on the bright side of life.


TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20)

You’re in a creative mood for most of this month, so pick something that you enjoy doing. Try not to compete with a friend who is suffering from self pity, just get on with your life. Be willing to experiment in your boudoir with what your partner suggests.

This month’s memo: You’re on     a creative high.


GEMINI (May 21 – Jun 20)

Other people seem to be pushing your buttons this month, so get ready to have more than one sparring partner. Your trump card is your ability to outwit others, so do what comes naturally and use your grey matter. At least you are also having lots of fun.

This month’s memo: Keep one step ahead.


CANCER (May 21 – Jun 20)

You have plenty of ideas on how you would like to dress your home. If you are the craft type of person, this would be an excellent time to get going on a project. Your partner too, is coming around to see things your way, especially after the 22nd.

This month’s memo: Develop an eye for detail.


LEO  (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Although you have all the reason in the world to feel so self confident, take care that someone does not pull the wool over your eyes in a financial matter. You’re in a mood to have fun though, especially after the 13th, when you’re being your usual party animal self.

This month’s memo: Let your   hair down.

Horoscopes: Petra du Preez | Illustration: Kirsten Sims