Find out what destiny holds for you for the rest of the month.
LIBRA (SEPT 23 – OCT 22)
If you suspect people are gossiping behind your back, try to keep calm and don’t get paranoid. There is little you can do about it before the 25th, so perhaps it’s appropriate to give them something to talk about at the Scorpio new moon on the 23rd.
This month’s memo: Stir the wooden spoon.
Birthday wish: To try to be level-headed.
SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
You’ll have to defend your territory at home this month, especially after the 26th. Before that, however, you’ll have to find a way to cope with Mercury retrograde in your sign, giving you a few communication headaches and/or misunderstandings.
This month’s memo: Communicate clearly.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 2 – Dec 21)
With Mars still motoring through your sign, it’s not going to be hard for you to lose your cool and get annoyed. An ongoing misunderstanding with a friend could easily escalate, so try not to cut off your nose to spite your face. That too will blow over.
This month’s memo: Up the exercise routine.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
Things could go awry at work this month, so make quite sure that your backups are done and that you double check as much as you can. You would not want to eat humble pie, but as from the 26th, you’re in a better position to put up a fight.
This month’s memo: Don’t stop taking the initiative.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
If you have made travel plans for October, you hopefully have enough patience to deal with delays and longer queues. It might be irritating, but it is also an excellent lesson in learning how to go with the flow. Keep calm and carry on.
This month’s memo: Let technology work for you.
PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
It is said that timing is often critical in choosing when to have a difficult conversation. That is especially true this month, so if you need to have a money conversation with someone, be careful to pick a suitable time and be willing to defer a decision.
This month’s memo: Avoid any drama.
ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
The frustration you have felt about not being able to move forward in your career should dissipate once your ruler, Mars, moves into this area on the 26th. By that time too, communication is improved and only the sky is the limit.
This month’s memo: It’s time to chase your goals.
TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20)
The time around the 23rd appears to be an auspicious time for your love life. New beginnings are a theme at this time, so try to orchestrate something that has long lasting meaning. In addition, the two of you need not agree on everything either.
This month’s memo: Make things happen in your love life.
GEMINI (May 21 – Jun 20)
Your planet Mercury’s retrograde movement between the 4th and the 25th, is a reminder to remember that having too much fun comes at a price. Your work ethic is under the spotlight around the 23rd, so make the necessary amendments.
This month’s memo: Everything in moderation.
CANCER (Jun 21 – Jul 22)
A new hobby or love interest sees you feeling quite smitten towards the 23rd. Hopefully it is not complicated, as the combination of warrior Mars settling into your love horoscope on the 26th, could see the fur fly if someone feels slighted.
This month’s memo: : Pour oil on troubled waters.
LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22)
The home fires seem to be burning quite brightly for you this month, so take some time out to enjoy quality time with the family. Be wary of saying things you might regret later on, as it would be all too easy for your words to be misinterpreted.
This month’s memo: Pay only compliments.
VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22)
If a money matter is bothering you this month, you ought to be in no rush to have this sorted out. Look at the matter from different angles, as that might give you a clue about adopting and altogether new approach. Expect a better insight after the 25th.
This month’s memo: Chew things over slowly.
Horoscopes: Petra du Preez | Illustration: Kirsten Sims