Amina Taher, previously Vice President Brand, Marketing & Partnerships at Etihad, is bold and elegant in Panthère de Cartier as she embarks on a new role.

What do the first 30 minutes of your day look like? What is your morning routine?

I’m an early riser, I wake up at 5:30 AM, and I prefer to ease into my day rather than rush it. My mornings typically begin with a moment of prayer, a practice instilled in me by my parents, which serves as both meditation and a source of blessing. Following this, I enjoy breakfast – my favourite meal – alternating between a refreshing green juice or orange juice, paired with either eggs on sourdough or a warm bowl of porridge. I then take time to reflect on my day ahead, visualising and strategising my plans.

You have been bold and fearless across different facets of your life. How has this served you personally and professionally?

Being bold encompasses honesty, curiosity, and openness. It’s about being truthful with yourself and others, regardless of the situation, thinking independently, and stepping outside your comfort zone. This mindset has allowed me to push my boundaries in various aspects of life – graduating from high school at 16, becoming a mother at a young age, studying at Harvard, starting my first business while balancing motherhood and corporate work at just 21, and working in male-dominated industries such as automotive and aviation. It’s about advocating for yourself, challenging norms, respecting your culture, and remaining true to your values.

What have been the defining moments throughout your career and how have you overcome challenges?

A pivotal moment in my career occurred in 2017 during my tenure with Etihad Airways when I became the Vice President of Corporate Affairs. This role was a significant milestone, as I was the first woman to join the executive team. It truly felt like a baptism by fire, presenting both challenges and invaluable lessons for any PR professional. I navigated a leadership transition, a comprehensive transformation programme, and complex issues such as the insolvencies of European equity partnerships, along with the closure of air routes between the UAE and Qatar. To effectively manage these challenges, I prioritised thorough preparation. I assembled a strong team to support the business, investing in their training, acquiring the necessary tools and technologies, and fostering an environment where everyone could contribute and thrive.

I focused on hiring new talent and nurturing a collaborative, agile culture. My role involved managing crises in real time; it felt like building a plane while flying it, all while shaping and evolving Etihad’s narrative. The year 2017 was historic for the airline, and this experience taught me that we often grow the most from our toughest moments. We faced difficult decisions, but I was immensely proud of my team. We rallied together like a family to overcome obstacles, demonstrating our resilience and agility. Our efforts culminated in winning the Middle East Public Relations Association’s In-House Team of the Year Award.

On a more personal note, that year also provided an opportunity for growth when I managed a company-wide volunteering campaign in support of Syrian refugees in Jordan. This experience was profoundly impactful, reinforcing my belief in the importance of community engagement and support.

When have you had to make bold choices and how did you know to trust your gut?

I often find myself making bold choices, whether they relate to my career, hobbies, or travel destinations. The most significant decision I made recently was leaving Etihad Airways after an incredible decade. I felt honoured to work for the national airline of the UAE, where I had the opportunity to build, promote, and protect a globally recognised brand. However, I realised it was time for a change. I wanted to leave at the peak of my career, having built a legacy that I could pass on to others. An even bolder move was stepping away from the corporate world, which I had known for nearly two decades, to establish my consultancy, AT The Agency.

This venture focuses on brand management, marketing, and partnerships within the realms of sports, culture, and tourism. Leaving behind a well-respected brand and stable job to embark on my own was a courageous decision, motivated by my desire to explore new industries and disciplines. As my priorities changed, I also wanted to prioritise my family, health, and the causes that truly resonate with me. Currently, with the consultancy, it’s an exciting time to leverage my global network to create meaningful impact. Whether it’s influencing policy, reshaping narratives, forging brand partnerships, or executing global campaigns, I trust my instincts and embrace the bold path ahead.

What are your non-negotiables when it comes to collaboration and business?

It’s crucial to agree on common values and principles, share a unified vision, and keep the work at the forefront – no egos or hidden agendas. Honesty, respect, passion, and a sense of fun are essential. Consistency goes a long way!

Under your leadership, what do you aim to achieve, and what initiatives drive this?

I believe in leading by example through authenticity, empathy, and empowerment. My aim is to unite people towards a common goal and make a meaningful impact. Ultimately, people remember how you made them feel. I want to continue building impact in sports, culture, and tourism. With a particular focus on investing in and growing women’s participation in sports, especially in the Middle East.

Have you had any mentors who have imparted advice, and what has been the most memorable?

My parents have been my lifelong mentors. I turn to my mother for personal and professional advice on everything from relationships and fashion to business and culture, while my father offers insights on business and entrepreneurship. Their combined wealth of experience has been invaluable. I have four younger sisters and a daughter, and I try to mentor them when they ask for it, as well as young Emirati women. The most memorable moments, which my sisters always laugh about, are that despite being the eldest and independent, I still go to my mother for almost everything. She is my advisor and approves almost everything, whether it’s what I wear before an event or a shoot, my social media posts, or when and where I travel. I will always be my mother’s girl. It gives me a sense of belonging and safety.

What would be your advice for those looking to carve their own path in a male-dominated industry?

My advice is to embrace confidence and resilience. First and foremost, believe in yourself and your abilities. Recognise that your perspective is valuable and can make a significant impact. Seek out mentors and role models who can guide you, and build a strong support network for encouragement and insights. Lastly, remember that every challenge is an opportunity for growth. By being bold, authentic, and resilient, you can carve a meaningful path for yourself and inspire other women.

This is The Bold Issue – what does being bold mean to you and who in your opinion defines this attribute?

To me, being bold means growth and contributing to your community while helping those around you. Having worked across various industries, I’ve been fortunate to meet many individuals from diverse cultures and backgrounds. The fields of sports, culture, and tourism are ever-evolving and have a direct impact on many lives. I’m humbled to be part of an incredibly supportive family, remarkable friends, and talented teams, who are spearheading the creative journeys of unique and trailblazing brands.

Every interaction teaches me something new, especially as I travel around the world. I’ve had the privilege of meeting remarkable individuals who are genuinely changing lives for the better, which has been a delightful surprise. From encountering presidential candidates in Africa to friends helping farmers in Mexico and educators in Brazil, I’ve worked with the Self-Employed Women’s Association in India and can even count the Prime Minister of Mongolia among my incredible friends. I’m continuously inspired by the passion of these strong individuals. All these encounters motivate me to grow, pivot, and adapt – qualities that make me bold.

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