Anna Chybisova chats to Emirates Woman on the challenges and achievements of launching Maison D’Angelann and the power of the right dress.

Who is the Maison D’AngelAnn woman and what is the DNA of the brand?

The Maison D’Angelann woman is elegant, confident and loves clothes that make her feel and look good. Our DNA is to create remarkable, iconic dresses that also feel like showstoppers.


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How do you define your roles in partnership with your business partner and do you feel more drawn to the creative or commercial side of the business?

My business partner and I make a great team – we complement each other perfectly. While she is running the commercial aspect of Maison D’Angelann, I am working on the creative side. I inadvertently cultivated my passion for creative design over time, it was an organic journey. I always believed it was possible to create an incredible brand on a global scale and Maison D’Angelann’s as the physical representation of this belief.

How does social media as a platform support scaling the business?

For us, social media is where we connect with the Maison D’Angelann woman. It is a space that we use not only to communicate our newest creations but to also engage with our community of women who celebrate and inspire each other. In today’s world, there is no scaling without communicating on a human level with your customers, and we at Maison D’Angelann love to do this, especially through our Instagram channel.

How challenging was it to source the best material and work with the best production globally?

Quite challenging. Fashion and luxury supply chains have never had it so hard. The pandemic, extreme weather events, and geopolitical uncertainty—combined with growing demand for sustainability—have constrained supply, increased costs, and made responsiveness much tougher to achieve.

We have a valuable network of producers and suppliers who we see as a vital part of our business, and building such relationships took endless energy and effort. I always knew that building a top-quality network of partners would have not been an easy job. However, thanks to our brand’s reputation and business ethics we can proudly say that we work with the world`s leading manufacturers and handpick the highest quality fabrics.

What has been the most rewarding aspect since launching for you and why?

The first one was when we started seeing growth in the customer base. The second one was seeing that Maison D’Angelann women were returning to buy from us every season. It was a clear signal that our customers loved how our creations made them look and feel. For a founder, there is no greater satisfaction than seeing her vision embraced by thousands of women.

Have you had any mentors in your life and if so, what knowledge did they impart?

My family has acted as a mentor and as an inspiration. My mother especially has been the person who helped me grow and shine and has guided me in difficult times. She is a source of inspiration and strength for me.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Work hard because everything you dream of is possible.

This is The Style Issue – what does style mean to you?

Style to me means being yourself effortlessly in every choice. I see style as an outer expression of a person’s inner world and individuality.

Anna Chybisova Maison D'Angelann
How would you define your own style?

I would define it as classic and elegant. I am fascinated by elegant cuts and timeless creations.

March’s – The Style Issue – Download Now 

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