Dina ElShurafa, founder of Reform Athletica, takes us inside their upscale fitness studio at ICD Brookfield Place.

How long have you been in this space?

We opened our doors at ICD Brookfield Place on September 1, 2023.

Have you custom-built any bespoke pieces?

The whole space has been custom- built. As design guardians, London-based TR Studio Architects worked very closely with us to turn our vision into reality. We wanted to create a special space for our clients. In addition to the design, the art collection has been specially curated and includes pieces by Picasso, Ed Ruscha, Damien Hirst, and eLSeed, among others.

How do you think the interior reflects you?

Whether at our ICDB or our Jumeirah location, art has been at the heart of our design. This is a constant in all our spaces because what is a space without art? We also believe that comfort and aesthetic must go hand in hand which is why we en- sure that our spaces are first and foremost comfortable for our clients.

Describe your taste in three words.

Classically modern, comforting and timeless.

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Photography by Mark Mathew