With travel always on the horizon, finding out where your passport stands on this reputed index can help map out your holiday guide this year.

The Henley Passport Index, curated by consultancy firm Henley & Partners, is based on exclusive and official data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA). According to this data, the primary deciding factor in determining how “powerful” a passport is is how many countries are accessible and visa-free for a nation’s citizens.

The latest guide highlights the continued dominance of Asian countries in the Henley Passport Index, which measures the strength of passports based on the number of destinations their holders can enter without a prior visa.

Here are the world’s most powerful passports for 2024:

1. Singapore (195 locations)
2. France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain (192 locations)
3. Austria, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, South Korea, Sweden (191 locations)
4. Belgium, Denmark, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom (190 locations)
5. Australia, Portugal, (189 locations)
6. Greece, Poland (188 locations)
7. Canada, Czechia, Hungary, Malta (187 locations)
8. United States (186 locations)
9. Estonia, Lithuania, United Arab Emirates, Iceland, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia (184 locations)

The most restrictive passports for 2024 are:

104.Afghanistan (28 locations)
105. Syria (29 locations)
102. Iraq (31 locations)
101. Pakistan (34 locations)
100. Yemen (35 locations)
99. Somalia (36 locations)
98. Palestinian Territory (40 locations)
(Same rank) 98. Nepal (40 locations)
98. Libya (40 locations)
97 North Korea (42 locations)

Here’s the full passport 2024 guide.

So, as a UAE resident if you’re looking to travel this year with an e-visa or visa on arrival facility see our guide of where to visit .

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