This week we speak to Louisa Birkhahn, CEO & Founder of Matcha Union, of this global wellness and lifestyle brand.

Welcome to the Emirates Woman weekly series ‘How I got my job as…’ where we speak to some incredible wellness, fashion and beauty entrepreneurs and businesswomen both based in the UAE and globally to find out about their career paths that led them to where they are now; what their daily routines look like; the advice they’d give to those starting out; and the hurdles they’ve had to overcome.

Keen to share the smooth, full-bodied taste of sustainably sourced Japanese Matcha and it’s plethora of health benefits on a wider scale, goal is to place your wellbeing at the very core of this community and maybe see you swap your coffee for something slighter greener.

The brand emphasises enjoying Matcha as a way to promote personal well-being and build community. It’s more than just a drink—it’s a ritual for finding balance and rejuvenation, and for connecting with others, reflecting the significant role that Matcha has played throughout Japanese history.

To delve into Birkhahn’s journey, Emirates Woman spoke to her on how her holistic journey began for launching Matcha Union.

What was your favourite subject at school?

My favorite subjects were Economics and Art—kind of opposites, but I’ve always been drawn to both the analytical side of numbers and my creative expression of art. This blend of interests has definitely influenced my approach to business.

What was your first job?

My first underage job was working in my parents’ pharmacies. Later, as part of a school placement, I worked as a Corporate Lifestyle Manager at Quintessentially, managing high-net-worth individuals. This experience taught me a lot about planning, client relations and customer service.

Have you been to Dubai?

Yes, many times! I used to live there and now visit frequently. I love the energy, the blend of cultures, and the dynamic lifestyle that Dubai offers.

What inspired you to enter the matcha space and launch your own match brand, Matcha Union?

I was never really a coffee drinker. During my travels, I discovered the profound benefits of Matcha and its integral role in Eastern culture, particularly in Japan. I was captivated by how Matcha not only provides sustained energy and focus but also promotes a sense of calm and wellness. At the time, only the US and Australia had adopted Matcha as a wellness drink. I wanted to share these benefits with a broader audience and create a product that embodies sustainability, quality, and health. Thus, Matcha Union was born to offer premium Matcha that can seamlessly fit into anyone’s daily routine, providing both energy and balance.

Talk us through the concept of Matcha Union.

The name “Matcha Union” embodies our core philosophy of creating harmonious unions—between people, the environment, and the ritual of preparing and enjoying Matcha. It represents the blend of tradition and modern wellness, as well as the interconnectedness we aim to cultivate within our community and individual wellbeing. Our sustainably sourced, vibrant green Matcha and its health benefits are the foundation of everything we do, but our focus is on building a community that makes Matcha even more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

What are the key elements of your role?

Like anyone who has started their own business, I wear many hats. One day I’m acting as a marketer, the next I’m focused on business development, accounting, or supply chain management. Since my team is very small, I do it all. The key elements include strategic planning—like managing the supply chain and planning product launches—followed by creative implementation and marketing. Operations management is also crucial, ensuring that our product moves seamlessly from the farm to your cup. And of course, our customers and problem-solving are constant priorities.


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Talk us through your daily routine.

I start my mornings with warm lemon water, followed by celery juice, which has done wonders for my gut health. Then I usually do a quick 20-30 minute Pilates workout at home. I reward myself with a smoothie bowl and a Matcha latte while checking my emails. This routine helps me set a positive tone for the rest of the day, and I always look forward to it in the evening! I work until the evening, with a break for lunch and probably a second Matcha. I work remotely, so the location varies, but the routine usually stays the same. I try to unwind by 7 pm, usually in time to prep dinner or get ready for it.

What advice do you have for anyone looking to follow in the same footsteps?

My advice would be to stay true to your vision and remain patient. Building something meaningful takes time, and there will be challenges along the way. Surround yourself with supportive people, seek advice when needed, and never stop learning. Don’t be afraid to take risks, and trust your instincts instead of listening to others —ultimately, it’s you who will make this happen!

Tell us more about the products offered?

At Matcha Union, we offer a range of premium, ceremonial grade and flavored Matcha, sourced from the best regions in Japan. We also provide Ritual and Ceremony Sets, which include everything needed for traditional Matcha preparation. Our products are designed to fit seamlessly into daily routines, whether you prefer a simple cup of Matcha Tea or want to be creative.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

The best piece of advice I’ve ever received is to trust the process. Success doesn’t happen overnight, and it’s important to stay committed and resilient, even when things get tough.

And what is the worst?

The worst advice I’ve received was to “play it safe.” In my experience, taking calculated risks has always led to the most significant growth and opportunities. Playing it safe often means missing out on what could be great.


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What’s the biggest challenge you have had to overcome?

The biggest challenge I’ve faced was launching and growing Matcha Union during the COVID-19 pandemic. The uncertainty and rapidly changing circumstances required quick adaptation and innovative thinking. It was a challenging time, but it also strengthened my resolve and taught me the importance of flexibility and resilience.

What’s your future for the brand?

My vision for Matcha Union is to continue expanding globally while staying true to our core values of quality, sustainability, and community. I hope to introduce more people to the benefits of Matcha and create a larger, more connected community around wellness. We also plan to innovate with new products and sustainable practices that align with our mission.

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