Actress Kate Hudson recently admitted that she has to work her “a** off” to stay in shape, and at 35 the results are clear she must be working very hard. At 5ft5ins Kate is a very svelte 48kg with working out and diet high on her priority list. Here’s how she does it…
Kate’s enviable bikini-ready body is achieved through a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and little gluten – she doesn’t follow fads but aims for 1,800 calories a day, which she monitors through MyFitnessPal app.
Kate Hudson’s trainer Ashley Conrad advises to start every morning with hot water and lemon, and then drink “three chopped-up lemons with water a day to flush out water retention.” Make sure to eat five times a day, too, including lots of lean protein like chicken and fish in your diet.
- Fast food
- Unhealthy fats
- Gluten (where possible)
“I believe in green juice, which is a lazy way of not eating the greens … I try to live by the basic rules, which is watch your sugar, watch your gluten, watch out for too much dairy, I try not to eat too much red meat. And I try not to eat too much fish, but that’s really hard for me.”
“I try to buy most gluten free for the house, and they’re doing it so well now that it tastes good and the kids don’t even know it.”
- Hot water and lemon
- Organic home-made pancakes or portein shake
- Chicken with sweet potato and green beans
Evening meal
- Gluten free carbs like carrots, quinoa or brown rice with lean protein like chicken breast
- Fish with leafy vegetables like spinach, kale cabbage snacks
Kate drinks at least 1litre of water a day and 235ml of coconut water after workouts

Kate Hudson for Fabletics
Kate who is the reactor of Fabletics sportswear maintains her six-pack abs and toned legs with a regular regime of core and cardio workouts. She does Pilates at least twice a week and mixes that with fat burning classes such as Soul Cycle.

Kate Hudson working out on the beach
“You [have to] work your a** off, that’s the only way. You have to eat right. It’s just you have to work out.”
“People think for some reason you have to work out for two and a half hours but it can be little. It can be 20 minutes, it could be 40 minutes, but you have to [get it in].”
“For me, I can’t stand doing squats and lunges, but for women especially, we have to just literally kill it on the squats and kill it on the lunges so you have to learn to love them.”
“I used to do pole dancing – that was really amazing for the body.”
“The things that I’ve seen the best for women have been anything that’s real dance, something that elongates, and really really strengthens. So, Core Fusion, Tracy Anderson, Ballet Barre, Pilates, I think those things for women (are great) because they centre on the core. Especially when you have kids.
“You can’t do like two weeks and go like do two days and then take a week off and then do three days and then go ‘Why aren’t I [seeing results?] I don’t get it.’ You know, you just got to do it – sad, like anything else in life!”
“I work out to feel great but also to look great. There’s no way a woman gets up to work out at 6.30am. just for the mood boost. She wants to fit into her jeans and look fantastic too.” “My new thing is that I always carry a jump rope with me. Then whenever I have a break during the day, I’ll just jump,” she explained. “I can either sit around looking at my phone or I can jump!”
Here’s a 10-minute Core Fusion workout to give you abs like Kate:
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