January’s – ‘The Confidence Issue’ – Download Now

As a new year begins, several people are embarking on a new journey filled with positive affirmations and fitness goals. For this month’s issue, some of the most incredible women we know tell us what they will be investing in to optimise their 2022 in our Life 2.0 section.

As founder of the Middle East’s first-ever dedicated beauty and wellness platform, Miriam Abadi is on a mission to ensure clean skincare products are incorporated into everyone’s daily beauty routine.

Emirates Woman spoke to Miriam about what makes her feel confident and what she shall be investing in this year to move towards her goals.

What will you be investing in for 2022 to optimise your life?

Currently, I am spending way too much time on the phone. Scrolling through various social media accounts. I love catching up on the world through social media, but at a certain point it gets repetitive and a little bit toxic. What I want to invest in is a bit more self-discipline, less of the internet and more on inspiring convos, books, spending time with my boys, and simply focusing more on the things that make me feel better.

This is The Confidence Issue – what makes you feel confident?

Discovering how to be self-confident is not an overnight process, it takes a lot of time and self-awareness – it’s an ongoing journey. I believe happiness is a critical element of confidence because, in order to be confident in what you do, you have to be happy with who you are.

What helps me to feel confident are the following tips: Positive self-talk – no one is me, and being my authentic self is my superpower, perfection does not exist, and instead of comparing myself to others, I try, as much as I can, be the best version of me. Also genuinely celebrating my successes with other like-minded people genuinely makes me more confident.

How can we support others to feel confident?

I genuinely believe that if your tribe grows, you grow with them, and by authentically supporting and celebrating other people’s, especially women’s successes, you help them feel confident, any victory big or small is a victory.

January’s – ‘The Confidence Issue’ – Download Now

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