
Sixty-six years ago, Gucci launched the iconic Bamboo handbag. To celebrate its history, the Italian brand has created a short film, Bamboo Confidential, where the classic tote takes centre stage.

The film, shot on location at the lavish Savoy Hotel in London, takes viewers back to self-made millionaire Guccio Gucci’s beginnings, who once worked as the hotel’s lift attendant in the early 1900s.

This clip shows our Gucci heroine chased into the Savoy Hotel by the paparazzi. She jumps into a lift, changes into a new (Gucci) look, and leaves looking unrecognisable to her pursuers.

To coincide with the seductive digital campaign, Gucci recruited over 40 bloggers worldwide. Each girl has snapped toting her most favourite Bamboo bag while leaving an elevator in her own city.

In Emirates Woman’s October issue we reveal the five UAE-based bloggers that Gucci chose to participate in the glamorous project.

Watch the Bamboo Confidential clip here:



Behind the scenes at the Savoy Hotel


The model escaped wearing glossy red lips and a leopard print trench