bryan boy

He’s back! The flamboyant, fabulous and effortlessly funny blogger, Bryanboy has landed in Dubai and is ready to take Fashion Forward Season Three by storm. With every stylista in town sharpening their elbows for a chance to get into his ‘In Conversation with Bryanboy’ talk this Saturday, Emirates Woman skipped the queues and caught with the sartorial prince to find out what he’s learnt on his blogging journey.

Style is an extension of your personality. Everything from your tastes to how you act represents you.

I’m inspired by me. I don’t have icons. I look into myself and try to be inspired by that. I don’t collect pictures of anybody or try to emulate them.

I’m eccentric, I’m eclectic and I like to mix and match when it comes to dressing. I love more than anything to play with different looks.

There’s not one city that completely has its own style. We live in the age of the Internet so we have a global style nowadays. Everybody looks at the same websites and reads the same magazines.

I love Swedish style. The boys and girls are all so good looking and they have a way of dressing that’s so minimal and pure. It’s never anything too crazy.

Fashion is communication. I use fashion as a tool to communicate a message to my readers.

My blog made my world smaller. Before the success of my blog I would go on holiday maybe once or twice a year, that’s it. Now I’m constantly on a plane travelling.

I definitely haven’t made it, even though Marc Jacobs named a bag after me. That was just an incredible moment in my career that and sitting front row.

Interacting with readers and followers is important. I love putting faces to my readers, it gives me so much joy. Facebook and Instagram show me just how diverse my followers are – from the 14-year-old girls to the 45-year-old men.

I’m not performing brain surgery. As long as I make people smile and entertain them, I’m happy. People don’t come to me for serious ground breaking news. I like it that way.

My blog brings fashion into the consciousness. I love it when I post a picture of me wearing something and then link it to somewhere and see if it sells out. In a way it’s measuring success into something commercial.

Never trust anyone. You only have yourself to fight for. I really believe in the power of being yourself and using yourself as an advantage. People can help you, but it is only you who can create the opportunities that are right for you.

It’s important to have a sense of identity. You really have to propel yourself in the right direction to create your own destiny.

World peace is an ideal. If I had a superpower I would want the ability to evoke world peace in a second.

My life’s not crazy or glamorous. The number one thing I enjoy in my life is being at home in New York wearing my cashmere pyjamas with a ratty old T-shirt, sitting on the couch eating Chinese food and watching Netflix. For me that’s my idea of heaven.

I  love to write. I would love to write a cookbook or children’s books. I identify with a younger crowd and would love to just have some fun with it.

‘In Conversation with Bryanboy’ will be held at Fashion Forward on Saturday April 12 at 3pm. Visit for more information