August horoscope:  Find out what destiny holds for you for the rest of the month.

LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

You’re influential and larger than life, mostly up to mid-August. With your star shining brightly, your power, charisma and vitality will affect those you come into contact with. Endeavour to motivate rather than dominate others.

This month’s memo: Lead by example.

Birthday wish: To be the life and soul of the party


VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22)It’s time to reflect on a personal year coming to an end without being too self-critical. Jupiter, the cosmic Lady Luck, moves into your sign on the 11th. This might herald good tidings for opportunities to grow your health, wealth and happiness.

This month’s memo: Don’t worry, be happy.

LIBRA (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Your partner is probably number one, but this month it’s your friendships that feature. You might have to evaluate relationships; it’s time to cement valuable friendships, develop new ones and allow others to come to pass.

This month’s memo: Make time for others.


SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

You’re going from strength to strength. Professional opportunities abound, especially during the first half of August. Go all out to achieve, but use your power wisely and try not to roughshod others on your way to the top.

This month’s memo: Go for gold.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

It’s time to look further, think wider and aim higher. Mid-August leads you into a phase of increasing opportunities to further your aspirations, both personal and professional. If you play your cards right you can make huge progress.

This month’s memo: Success beckons.


CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

That which is shared between you and your life partner is up for review. This applies to the emotional as well as the practical side. It’s thus time to also work on establishing financial stability, an important ingredient of a successful relationship.

This month’s memo: Invest in your relationship.

August 2015 horoscope

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Your love horoscope is star-studded. Although all may not be plain sailing in this department, there should be no shortage of excitement. Remember that love is a game of give and take, with personal attendance a pre-requisite.

This month’s memo: Don’t play it cool.


PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

The workplace is where life happens this month. Therefore, don’t let opportunities slip through your fingers, especially not during the first half of August, when lucky breaks are a possibility. Daydreaming on the job won’t do.

This month’s memo: Keep your wits about you.


ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Leisure activities and pleasure take first prize. As an energetic Aries you’d probably rather be doing stuff than laze around. For you it’s the month to enter sport competitions, take up fresh hobbies and/or let new creative projects see the light.

This month’s memo: Have fun.


TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20)

Home is where your heart is, whether entertaining friends with home cooking or getting comfy in front of a log fire. You could also redecorate your home. Instead of ruining your budget, tap into your creative side and choose the do-it-yourself option.

This month’s memo: Home Sweet Home.


GEMINI (May 21 – Jun 20)

Your neighbourhood is a hub of activity, providing plenty of opportunities for social interaction and mental stimulation. Feed your soul. Try not to neglect family members, especially from the second week in August, when their needs may escalate.

This month’s memo: Juggle your life.


CANCER (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Your money horoscope glitters, particularly during the first half of August. Make hay while the sun shines. It’s a good month to revise your budget, curb expenses and open a savings account.

This month’s memo: Grow your funds.


Words: Petra du Preez. Illustration: Rachel Nosco