The royal pays tribute to the nation’s generosity after an overwhelming response to the UAE’s aid drop to Rohingya refugees.

In comparison to its wealth, the UAE gives the most aid of any other nation.

It’s a heartwarming fact, and one that HRH Princess Haya bint Al Hussein is particularly proud of.

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The royal drew attention to the statistic over the weekend, after being touched by the response to the Emirates’ continued support to the Rohingya refugees.

More than 600,000 Rohingya Muslims have crossed into Bangladesh since August, fleeing persecution in their native Myanmar, and the UAE was quick to come to their aid.

مباشرة من المدينة العالمية للخدمات الإنسانية في دبي إلى اللاجئين الروهينجا: 7 طائرات تحمل أكثر من 640 طناً من المواد الإغاثية، استفاد منها أكثر من 130 ألف لاجئ حتى اللحظة… والمزيد على الطريق بإذن الله! دبي قلبها كبير ومساعيها لعمل الخير معروفة… وهي تفاجئني وتلهمني في كلّ مرة Directly from the International Humanitarian City in Dubai to Rohingya refugees: 7 air lifts – more than 640 metric tonnes of aid items – over 130,000 beneficiaries so far. And more on the way! Dubai’s big heart never ceases to amaze and inspire me #Rohingya @ihc_uae @unhcr_arabic

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The nation has so far sent seven air lifts of emergency supplies to families in Bangladeshi refugee camps, totalling more than 640 metric tonnes, Princess Haya revealed on Thursday.

“Dubai’s big heart never ceases to amaze and inspire me,” the mum-of-two posted on Instagram, adding that the shipments from Dubai’s International Humanitarian City had benefitted more than 130,000 people so far.

HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum has even offered up his private plane as transport, while Jordan’s Queen Rania Al-Abdullah has made a heart-wrenching visit to meet families living in refugee camps.

كثيرون هم من تواصلوا معي بعد أن كتبت عن المساعدات التي أرسلتها دبي للاجئي الروهينجا في بنغلاديش… ويغمر قلبي إحساس بالامتنان والرضى أن أكون جزءاً من فريق يعمل لدى قيادة كريمة تأخذ على عاتقها تقديم يد العون على الدوام للمحتاجين في شتى بقاع الأرض. كما يملؤني فخر واعتزاز بأن اﻹمارات هي أكبر دولة مانحة للمساعدات الانسانية والانمائية قياساً لدخلها القومي. اﻹمارات حققت انجازات كبيرة على مختلف المستويات ولم تنسى خلال مسيرتها الوقوف بجانب المحتاج ومد يد العون. صعوبة الحياة التي عرفتها اﻷجيال السابقة في اﻹمارات حاضرة في فكر قيادتها وشعبها… ذلك اﻹدراك أوقد شعلة أضاءت القلوب ودفعتها بفطرتها لمدّ يد العون للإنسان أينما كان على وجه الأرض So many people have reached out to me after yesterday’s post about the aid to #Rohingya. I feel blessed to be one of many who work for a leadership that is able to be generous and never fails to reach out a helping hand. I am so proud of the fact that the UAE spends more on aid to develop other countries, compared to its wealth, than any other nation on earth. The UAE has come so far, but has never forgotten what it feels like to struggle, and this memory informs the generosity and dedication of its leadership and people.

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Sheikh Mohammed also ordered the creation of an open air bridge in a bid to to provide critical relief supplies, sending across planes loaded with tarpaulins, tents, mosquito nets, sleeping mats, blankets and more.

In light of such rapid response, Princess Haya revealed many have been reaching out to her in support of the UAE’s actions.

“I feel blessed to be one of many who work for a leadership that is able to be generous and never fails to reach out a helping hand,” the royal wrote on Instagram on Friday.

“I am so proud of the fact that the UAE spends more on aid to develop other countries, compared to its wealth, than any other nation on earth.

princess haya

“The UAE has come so far, but has never forgotten what it feels like to struggle, and this memory informs the generosity and dedication of its leadership and people.”

Indeed, the UAE is no stranger to foreign aid, and was even ranked as the biggest donor in the world in 2014.

The Emirates has also been declared a top foreign aid donor of 2016, with an Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report stating the UAE gave Dh15.23 billion in official development assistance last year.

“The UAE does not provide conditional assistance and does not wait for any returns. We only want the good and stability of all people,” said Sheikh Mohammed when the report was released.

Princess Haya also addressed the UAE’s generosity in a speech earlier this year, adding that the nation’s contributions would continue.

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“The UAE gave Dhs32 billion in aid [in 2015],” the royal said. “The UAE will continue in line with the Year of Giving to be one of the most humanitarian countries in the world.

“The goal of our leadership is clear, which is to build a future city of security and humanitarian. It is our responsibility, it is our humanity that future generations will hold us accountable for.”

And those are words we should all live by.

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Images: Dubai Media Office, HRH Princess Haya/Instagram