Find out what destiny holds for you for the rest of the month.

LIBRA (23 Sep – 22 Oct)

Though in a pensive mood, you might also want to rub along with everyone else. Rightly so, it’s a fine time to socialise and interact with the world. The scales may tip during the first half of October, when life is anything but peaceful.

This month’s memo: Open up.   

Birthday wish: To find balance.    


ARIES (15 Mar – 19 Apr)

The workplace is a beehive of activity, right up your street. Self-doubt may cast a shadow during the first half of October, but your vigour soon returns. New projects launched from Mid-October could be lucrative and prosperous.

This month’s memo: Go for it.     


TAURUS (20 Apr – 20 May)

The scene is set for working towards something valuable. This could apply to your finances, a creative project or your most intimate relationship. Should it feel like you’re treading water and getting nowhere fast during mid-October, don’t lose heart.

This month’s memo: Persevere.   


GEMINI (21 May – 20 Jun)

Leisure and pleasure take precedence. Go out and have some fun, especially if things have not been going according to plan just lately. Exciting events and stimulating meetings during the last week of October dispel all traces of boredom.

This month’s memo: It’s playtime.


CANCER (21 Jun – 22 Jul)

Projects that feed your nurturing and compassionate nature might keep you busy this month. This could mean community projects, charity work in your neighbourhood or caring for a loved one. Remember to also take care of your own needs.

This month’s memo:Charity begins at home.


LEO (23 Jul – 22 Aug)

There’s authority in your words, even if you’ve felt unheard of late. Not just what you say, but also how you say it, will have impact. Be careful of creating drama around mid-October, a time when you could be pulled into power games.

This month’s memo: Choose your words carefully.

horoscope, October2015


VIRGO (23 Aug – 22 Sep)

Make money matters a priority this month. If balancing the books has been problematic during the last couple of weeks, finances should look up after the 9th of October. Don’t plead poverty, but stick to your budget.

This month’s memo: Take care of your cash.   


SCORPIO (23 Oct – 21 Nov)

A personal year comes to an end, making it a time of looking back. Reflect on achievements and disappointments, but hold onto none. Renewal and change is on the agenda during Mid-October, whether with or without coercion.

This month’s memo:Let go.


SAGITTARIUS (22 Nov – 21 Dec)

With your social life picking up, interacting with friends and associates make for an interesting and stimulating month. You may even be in for an adventure or two, especially mid-month. Seize opportunities, but don’t take risks.

This month’s memo: Act responsibly.


CAPRICORN (22 Dec – 19 Jan)

This is an auspicious time to take charge of your personal aspirations and climb the ladder of success. Though professional achievement springs to mind, don’t neglect personal objectives or your spiritual quest. You are after all a multi dimensional being.

This month’s memo: Be goal-orientated.


AQUARIUS (20 Jan – 18 Feb)

It’s time to explore the world and get into touch with different lifestyles, cultures and philosophies. To pack your bags and hit the road is a great idea. Whether you travel locally or abroad, exciting people and profound experiences await.     

This month’s memo: Broaden your horizons.


PISCES (19 Feb – 20 Mar)

You may struggle to see the wood for the trees, especially during the first half of October. This combined with a susceptible nature makes you a sitting duck for unrealistic schemes. If something is too good to be true, it probably is.

This month’s memo: Don’t get taken for a ride.


Words: Petra du Preez. Illustration: Rachel Nosco