With all kinds of information at your disposal, it feels difficult to filter out the essentials, especially when it concerns a subject like skincare. How does one cut through the noise to see which of these methods pass the litmus test?

For the Skin Issue, we speak to three industry experts about the procedures and practices that will stand against the test of time and here’s the final verdict.

Go Minimal

Minimising the number of products you use and focusing on quality over quantity allows skin to not feel overloaded with products. Opt for multi-functional value skincare with mindful ingredients says Geraldine Janse Van Veuren, Brand Manager of Comfort Zone, she advises we are experiencing a more minimalistic skin care routine approach than ever before. “Consumers are asking for quicker, more efficient, and in some cases more affordable regimens. Consumers today are significantly more educated about skincare and have become extra conscious about what they buy. Although multi-purpose products are not a new concept, post pandemic we have seen the increase in demand for hybrid products. Beauty shoppers want to uncomplicate their routines, maximise on the three or four step approach, and prioritise personal time” says Janse Van Veuren.


Geraldine Janse Van Veuren, Brand Manager of Comfort Zone

Build A Barrier

Skin is the largest organ of the human body and one of the vital functions of it is to act as a barrier between the environment and internally to control certain functions such as regulating water loss. “If you want to have healthy skin, use gentle cleansers that do not strip away your natural oils by eliminating the use of alcohols or sulphates. This includes body washes too. External factors such as hard water, can have a huge impact on hydration levels. Using a good moisturiser regularly can support your water, oil levels, and help restore your skin’s natural moisture levels and strengthen your barrier protection. These include ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, ceramides, and glycerin. Use the correct exfoliating method for your skin condition or skin type. Understand the percentage of the ingredients to optimise your daily/weekly routine. Common ingredients in exfoliates include alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs), poly-hydroxy acids (PHAs), enzymes, sugar, silica microspheres. Protect your skin from the sun using the appropriate broad-spectrum SPF, with ingredients such as HOP fruit extracts. This acts on both melanocytes and keratinocytes, inhibiting melanin synthesis and the appearance
of skin spots,” shares Geraldine Janse Van Veuren.

Harness Technology

From microsonic devices, LED masks to cryo globes, user-friendly skincare gadgets have garnered immense popularity. Senior Medical Aesthetician at Skinfluencer London, Ridah Syed, suggests a combination approach when it comes to tech-led treatments. “Incorporate them into your skincare routine to maintain healthy and youthful skin or prolong the effects of in-clinic treatments. You can combine microcurrent devices with serums. I especially love to use hyaluronic acid, an ingredient which rehydrates the skin and provides the perfect texture to use with your microcurrent device. Also, remember that at-home devices often touted on Instagram must be used consistently to see any substantial results.”


Ridah Syed, Senior Medical Aesthetician at Skinfluencer London

Smart Supplementation

Clever supplementation can give you the best glow from the inside out. “Using an IV drip is a way to supercharge this. For instance, those with low grade inflammation under the skin will have oxidative stress at biological level and while antioxidants in oral supplements and skincare can fight this to a certain extent, by having them in an IV drip, they can reach the bloodstream instantly and target the cells much more quickly and effectively. One thing to be mindful of however, is that to build the correct amount of antioxidant, you need to be careful of the frequency of dosing and formulation of the IV drip,” explains Dr Fazeela Abbasi, Dermatologist at Euromed Clinic.


Dr Fazeela Abbasi, Dermatologist at Euromed Clinic.

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