Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) have revised their parking fares and free parking permits, which are set to come into play on May 28.

The RTA were forced to restructure the parking fee structure after the decreasing number of vacant parking spots became a big problem among motorists in the region’s most congested areas.

In an effort to encourage more people to use public transport or to carpool, the RTA decided to double parking fees in some areas of the city. The fee hike doesn’t affect 77 per cent of the total number of paid parking slots in Dubai amounting to about 130,000 car parks.

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From May 28 the tariff rates for parking on the street will increase from Dh2 for one hour and Dh5 for two, to Dh2 for 30 minutes, Dh4 for one hour and Dh8 for two hours, rising to Dh11 for four hours. The parking fare in multi-level parking terminals has also been upped from Dhs3 to Dhs5 per hour.

dubai roads driving

It’s going to get more expensive for motorists as RTA increases parking fares


Metha Bin Udai, CEO of RTA’s Traffic & Roads Agency said: “The decision to regulate the use of parking in Dubai involving a parking fee hike effective from this May 28 covers only 23 per cent of total parking slots in Dubai i.e. 77 per cent of parking slots are not affected by this revision. The decision intends to increase the rotation of using parking slots in high-demand areas in order to make them available to the largest possible number of users.

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As part of the new shakeup the RTA have also introduced 11 free parking permits. Udai explains: “A full system involving free packages and services has been developed for citizens and residents spanning a wide spectrum of the community such as the disabled, seniors, and government entities among others. Eleven types of parking permits will therefore be available to a variety of community segments to serve their legitimate needs, supported by documentary evidences, to avail such permits.”

“The free parking period at noon has been abolished under the new policy and the paid parking period will continue seamlessly from 8am to 10pm during weekdays except Friday and public holidays. The move is intended to increase the frequency of using the single parking during that period in response to the needs of the local market and the wishes of customers to regulate the public parking during that period.

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So, from May 28 driving and parking are going to get more expensive for drivers. Perhaps it’s time to look into carpooling. There’s actually a Carpool Arabia app to connect drivers and commuters in a push toward a less congested and polluted city.


Images: Getty